Reef Check scientific methods have been specifically developed to create a consistent global protocol for community-based reef health monitoring.
The goal of Reef Check monitoring is to determine broad-scale trends of how our reefs are changing over time on both local and global scales. Long-term reef monitoring is important to help understand the impacts of management practices, the disturbance-recovery regime of reefs, changes taking place over time in response to localised and global pressures (i.e. local factors such as sediment runoff or global pressures such as climate change).
Our survey teams, in partnership with dive operator supporters, can survey popular dive sites for a fraction of the cost of standard government-employed surveys.
The Reef Check approach offers benefits beyond the data through community capacity building, providing a platform for many types of people and organisations to collaborate, sharing findings with reef tourists and communicating locally-relevant results to inform and engage local communities in understanding, appreciating and acting on reef health issues.