Coast to Coral: Labs to Lobsters - promoting DNA tools in fisheries monitoring
In 2024 we are moving our Coast to Corals talks to once a quarter. We understand everyone has very busy lives so we have taken this step to ease the burden on the volunteers who run these events. Our next talk is being planned for the first Tuesday in May. In the meantime please register and join us for this months exciting talk.
Erik Sandertun Røed holds an undergraduate and honours degree in genetics and zoology from The University of Queensland. He is now an MSc student in genomics at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Alongside an interdisciplinary team of supervisors and colleagues, his current research interest lies in the application of genetics in marine conservation and fisheries management. In his MSc research, Erik aims to facilitate the uptake of genetic tools in lobster monitoring in Norway.
As new lab technologies mature, scientists in pursuit of sustainable fisheries management have ever more to win from genetic analyses – analyses that uncover the information hidden in DNA. The DNA that can be extracted from just a small, non-lethal tissue sample could reveal an animal’s origin, its family relationships, or even its age, to name only a few examples. While these DNA tools could provide scientists and managers unprecedented detail when monitoring fisheries, the perceived technical hurdle and cost can also delay their practical use. In this talk, Erik explores the topic both with Queensland-relevant examples and in context of his own work, which aims to unlock the potential of DNA tools for monitoring of a threatened lobster species in Norway.
Virtual doors (zoom) open at 6.25pm for a 6:30 pm start.
Bring a mate and share in the discovery!
At Reef Check Australia we’re all about inspiring our mates and we love to read your thoughts! So, share your favourite parts about the night and tag us! Reef Check Australia #coasttocoral
This initiative is hosted by Reef Check Australia, and proudly supported by oh so many groups including the City of Gold Coast, Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd, Sunshine Coast Council's Environment Levy partnerships grant, The Great Barrier Reef Foundation and Townsville City Council.
Don't forget if you know of any amazing researchers (aren't they all?) who are willing to share their work, please let us know.
For more information contact