The Hackathon Report
April 08, 2018
Jules Lim, Reef Check Volunteer recently attended a "Hackathon" at the James Cook University Cairns Campus, hosted by Myriad. The aim was to bring scientists, industry experts, educators, community members and reef lovers together to collaborate on brainstorming solutions to problems faced by coral reefs. The specific problem for the day? Plastic pollution on the reef. Guest speakers included traditional owners, microplastics researchers, conservation campaigners and design thinkers .
Everyone was given a crash-course on 'How to Pitch' (in one minute!) before the main group splintered into smaller focus groups who then entered the Hackathon's three main phases of "Immersion", "Ideation" and "Delivery". The day culminated with each group presenting its idea to a panel of experts, who provided feedback, further tips and development ideas.
Jules sums the Hackathon up as "a fun and experiential day spent in like-minded, inspiring company. I learnt how to truly submerge myself in a team-focused challenge in finding practical solutions to a multifaceted problem.If there ever was a time to formulate innovative ideas to help our coral reefs, it is now."
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GBR 2018 season kicks off
March 10, 2018
After a big February of training the Great Barrier Reef survey team, we have kicked off the 2018 survey season up in Cairns and headed out with long-term industry champion Reef Magic Cruises to Marine World at Moore Reef to survey long-term sites. Our team was lucky enough to bump into big schools of Humphead Parrotfish. The survey team then joined another long-term industry champion, Down Under Dive, to survey Saxon and Hasting reefs. Blessed with fantastic conditions they were able to survey both recent and historic sites and were very lucky to be visited by inquisitive hawksbill and green turtles. The team also visited new sites on Fitzroy Island to continue building coverage of reefs closer to the coast.
Our Cairns surveys activities in 2018 are supported by the Clarke's One for Tomorrow program and donations from people like you!
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