Sunshine Coast Clean Up

Join Reef Check Australia for a Reef Blitz 2018 clean up at La Balsa Park on October 6 2018, from 6am.

This area has long been an interest for Reef Check Australia, and one that is heavily utilised by locals and tourists alike. Come and meet the local Reef Check Australia team, learn about our local reefs, celebrate the International Year of the Reef AND help protect our oceans by helping out with a clean up to track debris to the source! All debris collected and contributed to the Tangaroa Blue Australian Marine Debris Initiative to monitor debris loads over time. 

Help collect REAL data and clean up our oceans as a part of the 2018 ReefBlitz. This event is facilitated by Reef Check Australia and funded by the Queensland Government as part of ReefBlitz 2018 through Reef Citizen Science Alliance.

RSVP at our Facebook Event Page now!

October 06, 2018 at 6:00am - 9am
La Balsa Park, Buddina
Jodi Salmond ·