Team Leader - (Casual hours)
Jenni started volunteering with Reef Check Australia in 2014 as a core diver with the University of Queensland Underwater Club’s Point Lookout and Flinders Reef Ecological Assessment projects using RCA methodology. After being inspired by citizen science, she gained an ADAS diver qualification, Divemaster certification and completed an MSc in Marine Biology degree at JCU which helped her transition from working in Human Resources into the Marine Sciences.
She has worked as a diver, dive supervisor and trip team leader for various projects at UQ, JCU, GBRMPA, Pacific Marine Group and Reef Check Australia focusing on coral reef and reef fish surveys, reef fish parasites, invasive crown of thorns starfish and aquarium health. She is currently the Science and Diving Officer at JCU’s Orpheus Island Research Station and Acting Station Manager for the first half of 2023 in addition to being a Team Leader with Reef Check Australia in the Great Barrier Reef region. She is always looking forward to empowering others to save our reefs and oceans, just like RCA did for her all those years ago.