Dr Terry Done is an internationally renowned marine biologist and coral reef researcher who made his first foray into coral reef studies on a part time basis in 1970 while a PhD student in Zoology at a small university in New South Wales, Australia.
In 1975 he obtained a post-doctoral fellowship in coral reef ecology at James Cook University. Then in 1980, he joined the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) where he progressed through the ranks of Research Scientist until his retirement in 2007. He has been an advisor to governments in Australia, US and Indonesia on coral reef science and management and he has written over 60 scientific papers and book chapters, with a focus on coral reefs. The scope of his work and interests also includes the geological history of coral reefs, the processes of reef growth, effects of fishing and pollution and the effects of global climate change. He is now an AIMS Research Associate and an Adjunct Professor at the Centre for Marine Studies, University of Queensland, positions that allow him to continue his studies and impart the benefit of his knowledge and experience to undergraduate and graduate students.