Coast to Coral: Tagging, ageing, and CT scanning......A sawshark!

Join Reef Check Australia and friends on the second Tuesday night of each month in your lounge room/office/comfy chair, for an evening of discovery, inspiration and appreciation of our local marine, coastal and catchment environments.

This month we will hear from Patrick Burke, PhD Candidate at Macquarie University

His research is focused on the ecology of two different sawshark species around south-eastern Australia. Patrick is originally from the USA and undertook an undergraduate degree there in marine biology and has since completed two Masters degrees with one in Belgium and another in Australia. The majority of his work has been based on the ecology of sharks and rays. His current research uses a range of tagging and biochemical tracers to try to better understand how sawsharks fit into their ecosystem.

About the Talk: 
Tagging, ageing, and CT scanning....A sawshark!

Sawsharks are a very poorly understood group of sharks! These sharks are a regular facet of bycatch in Australian fisheries for over 50 years, however, the majority of what we know about these fascinating sharks has been discovered in the last decade. Currently, there is very little known about much of their ecology or even basic biology. Patricks research is aimed at filling in some of these gaps! Covering some of his current and past research he will be discussing satellite tagging sawsharks, how many ways you can try to age a sawshark and some interesting (and fun!) science you can get by CT scanning them at a hospital! 

Virtual doors (zoom) opens at 6.25pm for a 6:30 pm start.

Stay after the event for networking and nibbles (BYO obviously!) - get your burning questions answered and continue your thoughts, ideas and sea-minded discussions with your local community, all from the comfort of your couch!

Bring a mate and share in the discovery!

At Reef Check Australia we’re all about inspiring our mates and we love to read your thoughts! So, share your favourite parts about the night and tag us! Reef Check Australia #coasttocoral

This initiative is hosted by Reef Check Australia, and proudly supported by oh so many groups including the City of Gold Coast, Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd, Sunshine Coast Council's Environment Levy partnerships grant, The June Canavan Foundation and Townsville City Council.

Future talks take place on the second Tuesday night of each month, with a new, interesting and engaging speaker.

For more information contact seqevents@reefcheckaustralia

April 13, 2021 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Emily ·
Will you come?