Coast to Coral: From Coast to Cows

Join Reef Check Australia and friends on the second Tuesday night of each month on Zoom, for an evening of discovery, inspiration and appreciation of our local marine, coastal and catchment environments.

This month we will hear from Professor Nicholas Paul from the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC).

Prof. Paul is a biologist in the School of Science and Engineering at USC. He leads applied research and development on seaweed and algae for new product development, based upon a platform of sustainable production. He is the project leader on two international research for development projects, focused on domesticating new species, creating new culture techniques and developing bio products for farmed seaweed in the Indo-Pacific region.

His interests in Australia revolve around high-value products, including functional food and nutraceuticals for human health as well as bio actives for livestock and agriculture. Because of its sustainability focus, this research has led to some unusual deviations from traditional aquaculture, working with sewage, coal-fired power stations and mining and mineral wastes.

About the Talk: From coast to cows: Seaweed supplements for methane reduction from cattle

Besides reducing our meat and dairy intake to reduce our carbon footprint, this might be the next best thing. A puffy pink seaweed that grows locally can stop cows from burping out methane and it is being primed for mass farming by USC researchers.

The particular seaweed species, called Asparagopsis, grows prolifically off the Queensland Coast, and was the only seaweed found to have the effect in a study five years ago led by CSIRO. The USC team is working at the Bribie Island Research Centre in Moreton Bay to learn more about how to grow the seaweed species, with the goal of informing a scale-up of production that could supplement cow feed on a national or even global scale. Dr Paul will share the latest information on this research and let us know how this may assist individuals in reducing their carbon footprint.

Virtual doors (zoom) opens at 6.25pm for a 6:30 pm start.

Stay after the event for networking and nibbles (BYO obviously!) - get your burning questions answered by Prof. Nicholas Paul and continue your thoughts, ideas and sea-minded discussions with your local community, all from the comfort of your couch!

Bring a mate and share in the discovery!

At Reef Check Australia we’re all about inspiring our mates and we love to read your thoughts! So, share your favourite parts about the night and tag us! Reef Check Australia #coasttocoral

This initiative is hosted by Reef Check Australia, and proudly supported by the City of Gold Coast, Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd, Sunshine Coast Council's Environment Levy partnerships grant, The June Canavan Foundation and Townsville City Council.

Future talks take place on the second Tuesday night of each month, with a new, interesting and engaging speaker.

For more information contact seqevents@reefcheckaustrali
April 14, 2020 at 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Julie ·
Will you come?