24 Hour Dive: For The Love Of The Reef!
On the 20th and 21st of October, the University of Queensland Aquatics Centre are hosting a 24 hr underwater event in aid of the International Year of the Reef 2018, and Reef Check Australia will be attending alongside others from Coral Watch, Virtual Reef Diver and more. And we need an awesome team prepared to dedicate much of their weekend to help run a stall and various activities!
The exact details and program of events are still being worked out, but we're open to suggestions for fun activities, ways to promote reef science, collect data, or raise funds!
For more information on the event, visit the UQ UniDive event page.
Contact Rory Mulloy if you want to get involved and lead the Reef Check team!
*UQ UniDive will be organising divers - Reef Check activities will be taking place above the water*